Cawfee (coffee) and...

My parents would say “We’re going to Bea & Bernie’s for coffee and..”

I grew up drinking very little coffee. My mom would make us what my Aunt Lil called “Sissy” coffee. We were served a tall glass of milk with less than an inch of cold coffee on the bottom & a teaspoon of sugar. My mom made coffee in a stove top percolator. Later, she was excited to use a Farberware electric percolator with tinned “1st wave” pre-ground coffee. I loved the sound of the percolator & watching the action in the glass bubble atop the lid. Mom stored the leftover coffee in a jar in the refrigerator. Oh the excitement of freeze dried instant coffee. I didn’t get it. I did not drink coffee in college & still managed to graduate & get into dental school where once again, I didn’t drink coffee. I was teaching at NYU College of Dentistry in the Pediatric Dental department. One of the professors, Stan, bought a Mr. Coffee machine for the department & provided Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, at the exorbitant price of $16/lb. When I tasted it, I thought, so this is what coffee tastes like! I still wasn’t hooked until we moved to Kentfield & Naomi made me a cup of Graffeo coffee. I started enjoying a coffee later in the day, particularly to keep my eyes open if we had an evening event. Then our son Elliot got involved in the coffee industry & the rest is history.

You might not be someone who enjoys coffee in some form but you might like some of the “ands.” Enjoy.

Coffee and…

…a book


…places, new & old


…interesting mugs, serving pieces & styles of service





…hanging out

…people watching

…visiting with friends (old & new)


…as a vocation

…latte art

…holidays & special occasions


…as art.

We often plan our visits into Manhattan around coffee, starting at a cafe, very often Ninth St. Espresso or later in the day at Zipetto Espresso Bar. When we visited Seattle & Stockholm, Elliot gave us a list of places to visit.

This coffee blog will be posted in three or more postings as coffee has taken us to many places in our travels.

Look at the photos carefully as the coffee reference(s) is/are sometimes obtuse.