N.Y.C. III- Visits to Eight Museums - December 25th, 2023 - January 8th, 2024

“Don’t go to a museum with a destination. Museums are wormholes to other worlds. They are ecstasy machines. Follow your eyes to wherever they lead you…and the world should begin to change for you.”
– Jerry Saltz

Wait in line (only at the MET, & not for long). “Open your bag please” ( The Jewish Museum security was like an airport). “Are you a member?”“Seniors please.” (I like the European, “pensioners” better). “Yes ,we have reciprocity with SFMoMA.” (Phew!) “Yes, your friend’s guest passes are good.” (Again, phew!). Enter, immerse & interact. “Thanks for checking our coats.” At the Brooklyn Museum we talked with the young coat check women for quite a while about Creative Sources. There was a lot to learn & enjoy during our visits to eight N.Y.C. museums between December 26th, ‘23 & January 5th, ‘24.

Actually, nine museums. I forgot the New York Transit Museum’s Holiday Train Show.