New York City - People - May 2023

Eight and a half million people in N.Y.C., not including tourists & folks who commute in to their jobs. Here’s a sample, mostly in Manhattan with a sprinkling of Brooklyn, during the week leading up to & Memorial Day Weekend. I excluded workers from this blog to limit the number but it’s still a long blog. So many people! I thought about breaking it into two postings. It flows like our week-long visit to Manhattan & Brooklyn. The photo of the bride on Brooklyn Bridge Park is a natural break about half-way through if you want to take a breather.

Unlike visits in the past few years when we stayed in Brooklyn & didn’t venture as much into Manhattan, this time we stayed in Midtown at our favorite Hotel Elysée. When we were walking in Midtown Manhattan during the beginning & end of the work day, folks were dressed fashionably. Other times of the day schlubs, especially tourists, prevailed.

It was crowded & this was our first real immersion (more intense that Paris or Rome) into crowds, subways, theater & restaurants in over three years. We were masked in crowded situations when most others were not. We never heard a disparaging word about our masks. We did enjoy snippets of conversions as we passed or people passed by, especially savoring the NYC accent.

As in the past, Naomi was quite often my spotter. Those photos are acknowledged with an “N.”