Beer here!

I drank my first beer in college, Colt 45. In the summer of 1967 I traveled to Europe & encountered warm beer & cask conditioned ale in England. In Amsterdam Frommer’s Europe On $5/Day sent us to the Heineken Brewery for a breakfast of freshly brewed draught beer & cheese. Immediately afterwards we visited the Van Gogh Museum. Needless to say, they were probably not happy to clean the bathrooms after our visit. Then on to Munich where we discovered German beer. The rest is history.

Along the way I discovered in addition to crafty names for & a long history of brews that beer is eminently photographable. There is a lot of beer related art on labels, buildings, apparel, bar pulls & glassware. Beer can be paired with food, music, friends, bicycles, relaxation, books & of course, blogs. Beer has spawned many collectibles, a culture & many happy bartenders, brewmasters, servers & aficionados.

Even if you are a teetotaler, there will be things in this blog to catch your attention.