"Oh, the Places You'll Go!" Meandering around & appreciating our the neighborhoods in these times - March 23rd to April 3rd, 2020.

And, the things you’ll see that you never before noticed.

We’ve been rambling around Kentfield & Larkspur. Our walks, in overcast & rainy weather & under clear, blue skies, have taken us from four to six miles each time. It sure feels good to walk & explore, especially in our own neighborhood of Kentfield Gardens. We’ve managed to avoid areas & times when we might encounter a lot of people. Some old acquaintances were renewed, at a distance. We enjoyed the smell of jasmine & the sounds of the birds, rain… made available by the lack of construction & minimal traffic in the air & on the ground. Being in no particular rush we’ve spotted details like a painting in an entry-way, lovely architecture, a most unusual chimney spark arrester, a small caravan in a front garden, sculptures, surf boards where you don’t expect them, vintage motor vehicles, flowers, unexpected things to read, tree swings, & streets with hedges that, except for the palm trees, looked like England. And, looking up,the sky & clouds were a delight. So many new things to discover. Who knew?