"April come she will..." Paul Simon - Walking North Bedford Stuyvesant with MAS & Crown Hts.

We took a Municipal Art Society (MAS) walking tour of North Beford-Stuyvesant with Suzanne Spellen & Morgan Munsey. We’ve taken quite a few Zoom MAS walking tours with them during COVID & this is the first time we got to meet them in person. They were a wonderful team with so much information to relate & stories to tell.

“Suzanne Spellen is a neighborhood activist who has worked to raise awareness of the architectural gems in Brooklyn Neighborhoods through writing for Brownstoner and leading walking tours.” A native of Bed-Stuy, she now lives in Troy NY. http://www.spellenoftroy.com/ In her words “People often ask me what I do when I research and write house histories for my clients. One of them submitted a sponsored post to Brownstoner, using the report I did for him. Here it is. It's an epic. Most of my histories are not this long or complete. My client, Paul Murphy, lucked out on representing the sale of a house with a well-documented history in a unique and well documented neighborhood. Check it out!.”

Morgan, an architect who had an architecture & design practice in Brooklyn us now a realtor specializing in Beford Stuyvesant. https://www.compass.com/agents/morgan-munsey/